Angular — How to solve the Full-calendar module loading issue

Latitude Technolabs
3 min readMar 26, 2021


Angular — How to solve the Full-calendar module loading issue

The full-calendar module issue is very frustrating to solve when integrating a full-calendar module into the app. The error comes out and shows like ‘’net : : ERR_ABORTED’’. How to resolve this error in the full-calendar module?

First, let us have a look at what is angular and why the full-calendar module is used?

What is Angular? And why angular used?

Angular is a platform that is used to build mobile and desktop web applications. Angular is based on Typescript, and it is an open-source framework. Google and the community of developers maintain Angular.

Angular helps to create interactive and single page dynamic applications. It has features like templating, modularization, two-way binding, RESTful API handling, AJAX handling and dependency injection.

What is the Full-calendar module?

The full-calendar module is used in the web application as a calendar date picker. It is used in task management apps and other related applications.

Full-calendar easily integrates with Angular 9, and it has a component that perfectly matches the function of full-calendar API.

How to install a Full-calendar module in Angular?

First of all, before installing the full-calendar in Angular, you have to install dependencies related to the full-calendar. You must have Angular adopter and additional plugins.

Type “npm install –save @fullcalender /angular @fullcalender /daygrid’’.

If you are using plugins, then you must have to use Fullcalendarmodule. After this, you have to register plugins with the full-calendar module then Register the full-calendar module with the app.

  • Import should go first before full-calendar plugins. If it doesn’t go well, then you may face an error.
  • Now, in your app’s component files, you have to prepare an object for options. Here, plugins are not needed to specify.

CSS loads automatically in the project. CSS plugins are also included.

How to modify Full-calendar’s options?

You can edit Full-calendar’s option by reassigning the options object.

You can also edit the template by the same procedure.

To modify hard objects like events and header toolbar, you have to make a copy of the object, make your change, and then reassign with the object.

Now let’s focus on the main problem of the full-calendar module issue.

How to solve the full-calendar modular issue?

The full-calendar modular issue happens when you are not able to compile the angular application. You may see an error while doing this.

So, the solution behind this issue is very simple. If you face the same error and have not done any mistakes in installation, then the problem of these errors is a version of Typescript.

Typescript version 3.1.1 or older gives errors on the full-calendar module.

So, update Typescript form 3.1.1 or older to new version 3.2.4+. So, what it does is it fixes the irritating issue in seconds. But the main point to focus on is, you must have followed the proper installation steps like the above described.

How to install the latest Typescript?

You can install the latest Typescript via npm: npm install typescript

Then run compiler via tsc: npx tsc


Full-calendar module issue is sometimes hard to find in some rare situations like version and plugins compatibility. So, it is important to focus on that factor regarding solving this module issue. But sometimes error is there for no reasons, so it is good to get help from experts. You can reach Latitude Technolabs. We, the team, are ready to help here. We have expertise in problem solving, web and mobile application development.



Latitude Technolabs
Latitude Technolabs

Written by Latitude Technolabs

Latitude Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. is a leading service provider with extensive experience in providing IT outsourcing services to enterprises across the globe.

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