Best Tips To Improve AngularJS Performance Quickly
This article is for you if you are an AngularJS developer or new and want to increase AngularJS performance quickly.
AngularJS is developed and maintained by Google, and it’s an open-source framework. Everything you need to design and manage dynamic frontends for web apps is included in AngularJs. AngularJS is a popular tech among professional developers due to its modular approach to web design and extensive support network.
AngularJs is used by Google and Virgin America, two of the most popular websites on the internet.
Before looking at quick tips to Improve AngularJS performance, let’s get to understand what AngularJs.
What is AngularJS?
AngularJS was developed to make the difficult task of creating and managing JavaScript applications easier. AngularJS is particularly handy for single-page web applications based on MVC (model view controller) programming structure.
AngularJS uses a JavaScript library based on standard JS and HTML to handle things like DOM manipulation and AJAX glue that would otherwise need developers to create.
The tool gives developers modular JavaScript building parts to mix, match and test. With a simple element, AngularJS can be rapidly integrated into any HTML page.
See More — AngularJS Vs. ReactJS: What to Choose Between Framework and Library?
Concepts of AngularJS
In web development, the AngularJS framework is based on the following terms or concepts.
- Modules
A module is a container that holds or aggregates several pieces of an application. So, a module is a collection of functions stated in a JavaScript file. A module is extremely useful for breaking down an application into a discrete, reusable component.
2. Expressions
In AngularJS, expressions are expressed using {{ }}. It shows data binding in HTML. These expressions are included in HTML templates. However, while the filters are supported, the expressions do not support control flow statements.
3. Directives
Directives tell the compiler whether or not to associate a behavior with a DOM element. AngularJS features several directives, like ng-if, ng-view, ng-app, ng-controller, and so on.
4. Controller
It is a JavaScript object constructor function, and It is in charge of the AngularJS web or mobile application.
5. Scope
A scope is a JavaScript object that connects the View and the controller. In AngularJs, it is the data source in general. Each assignment and data manipulation are carried out with the help of the scope object.
6. Validations
Validation is performed using AngularJS controls and forms.
7. Data Binding
To view and model any changes in either of these two, use data binding coordinates.
8. Services
Controllers, directives, and other services use singletons as services.
9. Filters
Filters are used to display data formatting on the DOM. It also improves directive and binding expression behavior.
10. Dependency Injection
Dependency injection is a design approach for dealing with the interdependence of several software components.
11. Routing
All routing actions are managed by the $routeProvider service. It separates the map into numerous perspectives effectively. Routing allows dividing a single page application into many views.
12. Testing
Dependency Injections develop the codes that are tested. Here some of the popular testing frameworks are jasmine and karma. AngularJS developers mostly use these two.
Advantages of AngularJS
- AngularJS is very easy to learn and work on. If you do some simple modifications, you can achieve some great benefits. With those great benefits, you can finish your work in less time.
- Two-way data binding, enabling View and model are allowed by AngularJS to communicate with changes to each other.
- Developers don’t have to use observable functions with AngularJS. It examines the DOM automatically and constructs the binding based on Angular-specific element properties. It saves developers time by eliminating the need to write extended code.
- The majority of frameworks demand the developer to break down the program into several small components or MVC components and then create code to connect them. Here, AngularJS is perfect for solving the issue quickly, and also it merges the components itself.
Disadvantages of AngularJS
- Applications made by AngularJS are not secure/safe. Server-side authentication is required for such apps. And it is compulsory to manage the security of the app.
- It depends on the JavaScript framework; if the user disables the JavaScript, nothing will get shown except the basic page.
- AngularJs become complex to handle sometimes because there are a variety of ways to perform the same task. So, it confuses the developer. AngularJS needs constant efforts to manage a task.
- AngularJS also has trouble supporting photo galleries with many visitors; that’s why Instagram was not built using this framework. It’s better to go with React if you are using it for similar purposes.
Tips to Optimize AngularJS Performance
AngularJS comes with a number of built-in optimizations features; however, the performance issue is still visible in the framework.
Suppose you are working with AngularJS and don’t have a big infrastructure like Google or Microsoft. In that case, you will need to adopt specific preventive measures or best practices to increase the application’s performance.
So, here are a few suggestions for speeding up or optimizing your AngularJS apps.
- To Get The Most Out Of AngularJs, Pay Attention To Your Digest Cycle
The digest cycle is regarded as the most accurate measurement of the performance of an AngularJs application. It’s a looping cycle that checks and monitors the changes in the variables. As a result, the faster your program runs, the shorter the digest cycle is.
It will undoubtedly improve the application’s performance and provide positive feedback from clients. A well-performing app will instantly attract more users and enhance its market share.
2. Limiting Watchers Will Optimize The AngularJs
You will create more $$watchers and $scopes if you implement data binding any time; it will increase the digest cycle. More $$watchers can increase lag, so prefer using it is limited, or you can avoid it if possible.
So, the verdict is that a small digest cycle improves AngularJS performance. So, make sure to limit watchers and restrict long digest cycles.
3. DOM Access Restriction
Because DOM access is costly, keep the DOM tree as minimal as possible. If at all feasible, avoid modifying the DOM and setting an inline style to avoid JavaScript reflow.
Limited DOM access can improve AngularJS speed while also lowering costs.
4. To Optimize AngularJs, Use ‘Scope.$Evalasync’
If you try to activate the digest cycle manually while it is already running, you will get an error. So, to secure yourself from entering this situation, use “scope.$evalAsync” instead of $apply to start the digest cycle manually.
This code queues the operation for execution at the end of the current cycle rather than starting a new one. It will save you from making mistakes and lengthen the digest cycle’s lag time.
5. Use the Chrome DevTools Timeline and Profiler
Both the DevTools timeline and Profile in chrome can help you detect bottlenecks and provide a guide to optimize your efforts. Both technologies are effective in improving the performance of an AngularJS application or a website.
Chrome DevTools, often known as Chrome Developers tools, are built-in web authoring and debugging tools for chrome. It gives developers access to web browsers and applications in order to provide them with more control.
These tools enable developers to do various tasks, including checking the viewport on a mobile device, modifying the website, and measuring the performance of individual assets or the entire website.
6. To Optimize AngularJs, Use Lodash
The Lodash tool in Angular.js enables developers to quickly build application logic to improve the built-in AngularJS methods and increase the application’s performance. Assume that the Lodash tool is not utilized to improve the performance of an existing web app. In that situation, the developers can rewrite the code using native JavaScript on their own.
This tool allows developers to optimize the speed of their AngularJS web applications without having to build the function. It’s a great way to get started with AngularJS development.
7. Disable CSS Class and Comment Directives
Developers can assign a directive to be used as an attribute, element, comment, or CSS class while designing it.
If you don’t need comment directives or CSS classes, you can turn them off to speed up your AngularJS app and improve AngularJS performance.
8. Only Use One-Time Binding Whenever Possible
This feature is not available In the last version of AngularJs 4.0; however, if you are using an older version of the software, you might be able to use on-time binding.
To use or test this functionality, simply place a double colon before the value. If everything goes as planned, the value will be resolved once and removed from the watcher’s list. This functionality was first introduced in AngularJS 1.3, and it is no longer available in AngularJS 4.0.
9. Disable Data Debugging
The Batarang and Protractor tools rely on AngularJS’s data binding and scopes to attach to DOM components. As a result, once you have finished debugging, try to turn off the extra data so that it doesn’t slow down the app.
Disabling data debugging improves AngularJS performance and the Web app’s overall performance.
10. To Make AngularJs Development More Efficient, Avoid Using’ Ng-Repeat.’
Excessive use of the ng-repeat directive can have a significant impact on the web app’s overall performance. But there are alternatives to minimize the effect.
For example, instead of utilizing ‘ng-repeat’ to render the global navigation, developers can use ‘$interpolate’ to create their own. A provider uses an object to render the template before turning it into a DOM node.
11. Instead of ‘ng-show,’ use ‘ng-if’ or ‘ng-switch.’
The directive ng-show simply turns on or off the CSS display for a particular element. The developers must utilize ‘ng-if’ or ‘ng-switch’ to delete an element from the DOM. It’s yet another fantastic AngularJS web app optimization technique.
12. To optimize AngularJS, use the $cacheFactory variable
If you need to save data that will need to be calculated after a certain amount of time, the ‘$cacheFactory’ directive is the way to go. It’s quite comparable to and operates in the same way as any other method of memorization.
13. Use ‘console.time’
When diagnosing a problem, the ‘console.time’ tool in Chrome DevTools is an excellent alternative for calculating execution time and other performance metrics.
It’s a fantastic and handy tool for dealing with issues during debugging and calculating various performance benchmarks in order to optimize AngularJS development.
14. To optimize AngularJS, use $filter
During each digest cycle, AngularJS development in a web app executes the DOM filter twice. It identifies changes in the first DOM filter run, and it updates the values that have changed in the second run. To save time during this entire cycle, the $filter provider allows you to pre-process data before sending it to the View and thus skip the DOM parsing process.
It’s a fantastic tool for improving the performance of a web application and the AngularJS development process to save time and increase the overall efficiency of the application.
15. Use ‘$watchCollection’
Only two parameters are a good choice when using $watchCollection; however, three or more parameters are like a crowd. The addition of a third parameter enables AngularJS to perform extensive checks, which necessitates the use of numerous resources.
With the help of the ‘$watchCollection,’ developers may produce excellent results. It works like a third parameter for $watch. Despite this, it only checks the first layer of each object’s properties; thus, the AngularJS web apps’ overall speed and performance aren’t slowed.
16. Debounce’ ng-model’
Debouncing inputs with the ng-model directive can help to keep the digest cycle to a minimum. Implementing ng-model-options=” debounce:200" can, for example, ensure that the digest cycle runs no more than once every 20ms.
It’s a fantastic tool for reducing the digest cycle and, as a result, improving the performance of your AngularJS development.
17. Rigid Scoping
Try to keep all of your variables firmly scoped. JavaScript garbage collectors will use this to free up the memory used inefficiently and often to speed up the operation. It will assist in allocating resources to upcoming processes and speeding up the application’s operation.
It is a straightforward and frequent approach to improve the performance of AngularJS.
18. Infinite Scrolling or Pagination
It is a compelling and intelligent optimization approach since it will work even if everything else fails. Using the Infinite Scrolling or Pagination approach, you can reduce the number of looped components.
AngularJS has a directive named “ngInfiniteScroll” that can be used for this purpose.
19. Optimize AngularJS using Pure Pipes
Pipes are used by AngularJS to show model values on the UI in a unique way like “date | Shortdate.” The Shortdate filter will convert date objects to a tiny format like ‘DD/MM/YYYY”. For display purposes, pipes are utilized to slice and dice the data. There are two categories of pipes: “Impure Pipe” and “Pure Pipe.”
Impure Pipe differs from Pure Pipe in that it can give many outputs for a single input over time. On the other hand, Pure Pipes refers to a function that can provide similar output from the same input data.
AngularJS comes with a number of pipes, all of which are pure in nature. When the binding evaluation is chosen, Angular evaluates an expression and then applies the Pipe across it each time.
Testing Tools For AngularJs Performance
Rather than going back and implementing modifications, it is always practicable and effective to embrace best practices from the start. Plan ahead of time to limit bindings, expensive directives like ng-repeat, and watchers before you start coding.
Aside from that, several tools aid in AngularJS performance optimization and serve as good testing tools.
- Protractor
Protractor is an end-to-end Angular testing tool that is both sophisticated and automated. This powerful tool was created by the Angular team. Protractor is made up of several innovative technologies, including Selenium, NodeJS, Jasmine, Mocha, Cucumber, and webDriver.
It makes it simple to do automated end-to-end testing. All of the functions are available thanks to the mix of technology. Developers can utilize the Selenium grid capability to run many browsers at the same time. You can, however, write your test suites using Jasmine and Mocha.
2. WebdriverIO
With the WebdriverIO tool, you can control a browser or a mobile app with just a few lines of code. It gives the test code a clean, concise, and easy-to-read appearance. Developers can use this integrated test runner to write asynchronous instructions synchronously.
As a result, developers don’t have to worry about how to avoid racing situations. It also manages the Selenium session and handles all of the problematic setup work.
3. TestingWhiz
Because of its codeless scripting capability, TestingWhiz is one of the most user-friendly test automation solutions for optimizing AngularJS. This tool allows you to test AngularJS online and mobile applications from beginning to end. This tool is widespread, especially among non-programmers, because of its codeless scripting capability.
As we’ve seen, Web development is rapidly evolving due to the introduction of new technologies and upgrades to JavaScript frameworks. As a result, if you want to get the most out of these frameworks, you need to optimize the application’s speed as a developer regularly. Developers may get more done with less coding by optimizing AngularJS speed.
If you want to build a product with AngularJS or improve the performance of AngularJS, there are several options. You can reach us at latitude Technolabs and Hire AngularJS developers in India, where we provide AngularJS development with best-in-class performance. We guarantee that we will deliver the most outstanding results and solutions for your company.