Latitude Technolabs
3 min readApr 5, 2021

Magento Open Source 2.4.2 Release Notes

Magento Open Source 2.4.2 Release Notes

Magento is an e-commerce platform and an open-source. It is written in PHP and also uses multiple PHP frameworks. Magento provides flexibility for online merchants to provide a shopping cart system, overall look, content, and online store function.

Magento just got a new version released on February 9, 2021. The new version has increased performance, security, and platform improvements. It got Security enhancement for support “samesite” attribute to all cookies. This release fixes 280 new core codes and 35 security enhancements. All issues faced in the previous version are now fixed in this new release.

A major release in magneto 2.4.2

- It now supports “samesite” attribution for cookies

- Elastic search 7.9.x and Radis 6.x are now supported

- 2.4.2 includes AWS enhancements

- Support use of web-optimized images in content

- Adobe stock integration v2.1.1 included

- Compatible with composer 2.x

- Other lots of fixes

Security-only patch

- Without applying functional fixes, it helps merchants to install security fixes.

- It is a security-only patch that fixes the vulnerability that was in the previous version.

- It has all hotfixes that were applied to the previous version, 2.4.1.

What are other improvements in the latest release of 2.4.2?

Security improvements

- More than 35 security fixes and platform security enhancements

- Thirty-five security enhancements will help to close RCE (remote code execution) and XSS vulnerabilities.

- “Samesite” attribution is now supported by all core cookies.

- Magento now displays messages that identify potentially malicious content when the user tries to save values in product and category description.

- Violation of CSP (core content security policy) fixed

Infrastructure improvements

- Enhancement in core quality improves framework and areas like customer account, catalogue, CMS, OMS, Import/export, promotions and targeting, Checkout, and cart.

Platform improvements

- Elasticsearch 7.9.x is now supported.

- Compatible with Varnish 6.x; hence it has been tested with varnish 6.4.

- Radis 6.x is now supported.

- Composer 2.x is now supported.

Performance improvements

- The new version boosts API performance and admin response time for large catalogue deployments.

- Magento’s new version natively supports complex catalogues, larger than 20x than the previous release.


- Comparison lists” are now supported. In comparison lists, buyers can delete and create them. Shoppers also can now remove or add items to the lists. It is possible now with a guest login too.

- To support remote purchasing assistance, “generateCustomerTokenAsADmin” added mutation and updated the “customer” object.

- Localization is supported across the stores for changing languages, carts, and currencies.

- “staging” attribute added to “ProductInterface” and “category interface.”

- GraphQL is enhanced to optimize product data retrieval for editable products with many types.

PWA Studio

- Lots of optimization and bug fixed.

- The extensibility framework improved to support code changes through extension.

- Localization and internationalization. Multiple languages and currencies are now supported by venia.

Media Gallery

- This new release gives the ability to limit admin access only to the media gallery and control who can perform these actions.

- Manage folder

- Delete assets from the media gallery

- Edit assets

- Upload assets

- Adding media assets to content

MFTF (Magento functional testing framework

- MFTF 3.2.1 is available; this release now has error tolerance in tests and test suits.

AWS S3 (Amazon simple storage service) support enhanced

- Storage of object and extensibility of future

- Saving media files on AWS S3

- Added support for B2B, Page Builder, and Adobe Stock integration.


- “analytics_collect_data” now works well when using the default port to connect MySQL.

- Files generated with “analytics_collect_data” are now be properly escaped.


- Virtual products can now be purchased by shoppers using Apple pay. In the last version, there was an error.

- PayPal express checkout payment now works.

Cart and Checkout

- The shipping method estimator is now working when custom attributes are present.

- When the shopper removes items from the cart, the Magento displays a message, “you have no items in your cart.”

- In this topic, there are lots of other minor fixes that have been done.

Dot digital

- Error handling is improved

- Added an array check over order status.

- Other small fixes

Final words

Magento 2.4.2 release comes with improved security, more secured payment gateways, improved performance, and other most needed fixes. Most important improvements and updates about security patches, platform upgrades, infrastructure improvements, a new media gallery, AWS enhancements and many changes to minor issues and improvements. So, it is best to upgrade Magento now to a newer version.

Latitude Technolabs

Latitude Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. is a leading service provider with extensive experience in providing IT outsourcing services to enterprises across the globe.