Top 15 Cutting-edge Node.js Development Tools to Must Use in 2021

Latitude Technolabs
6 min readMay 4, 2021


Top 15 cutting-edge technologies in web-app development — Latitude Technolabs

With the technologies are rapidly improving, it is now becoming easier to develop apps with faster speed and in a more effective way. If we talk about node.js, it has a variety of tools that helps to create apps with rich features and quickly. Node.js and its modules help a lot in the development of appellations. With the help of node.js, developers can build both client and server-side applications.

Node.js was founded by Ryan Dahl in 2009 using a JavaScript environment. Node.js is open-source, accessible, and cross-platform support. It runs on the v8 engine and runs JavaScript codes outside the web browser. If you are new in the development stream or are from a business and want to develop a feature-rich app, you can Hire Nodejs developer. There are the best firms providing web application development services , Latitude Technolabs is the one that has an excellent record in feature-rich app development.

Now, let us look at the top 15 node.js tools to use in development with Node.Js.

Here the Top 15 IDEs for Developing Node.js Apps we will be looking at: is a framework that enables twin and bidirectional communications according to the events in real-time. That’s why it’s the fastest and reliable framework and engine. It also offers analytics with counters, logs, and charts.

Microsoft, Trello, and Yammer use for their chatting applications. boosts up the development process by supporting binary, scalability, integration, and easy debugging.

Some of the benefits are

  • Chatting and instant messaging apps can be made easily
  • modules Support Real-time analytics so data can be sent to clients for charts, logs, and other analytical purposes.
  • Streaming of video, images, and audio is easier with binary support in


Express.js is also a robust framework for node.js, which offers some excellent features for developing web apps. Express.js helps to create API quickly. It has multiple template engines and routing, and It got the function to integrate databases and expertise in user-friendly web apps.

Some of the advantages of express.js are

  • Express.js makes web apps scalable
  • Supports a wide range of HTTP methods to create custom APIs
  • Good performance because of lightweight layer


Passport.js is a middleware in Node.js. It can be used in any Express-based web apps. Passport.js provides functions of authentications using username, password and also Facebook, Twitter, and more.

Some of the benefits are:

  • Supports custom strategies implementation
  • It can easily handle failure and success
  • Allows to sign in with OpenID and OAuth
  • Dynamic permissions
  • The codebase is lightweight


Koa framework is also designed by express for node.js. Within years, Koa gained its popularity with a small size and excellent framework. Koa is used for web apps and APIs. Koa with latest node versions 7.6.0 or higher supports async function. Koa’s best benefit is it doesn’t depend on middleware. It has a plugins repository that provides support for routing, compression, cashing, and more functions.

Koa has many benefits; some of the significant benefits are:

  • It doesn’t depend on middleware
  • It supports async programming
  • Koa improves error handling
  • It has plugins that support cashing, compression, and routing


Mocha.js is also based on Node.js and a JavaScript test framework. Mocha.js allows programmers to test codes in consoles and browsers. It is a very fast testing suite for unit testing and integration.

Mocha.js allows the programmer to test by simple methods and the tests run in series to make flexible reporting for uncontrolled exceptions. One of the best advantages is its modules. Programmers can use any other libraries like should.js, Sinon, or chai with it.


PM2 is an easy-to-use tool for node.js development. Pm2 works as a process manager in a node application. Pm2 has few features that are great and increases its capability. PM2 has a built-in load balancer that improves performance. There are large payment gateways like PayPal that use PM2. Significant finance software companies also use PM2. PM2 can test the web app without interruption.

Some of the significant benefits and features are:

  • Hot Reload
  • Monitoring
  • Container integration
  • Log management
  • PasS compatible
  • Max memory reload


Chai is a library of TDD/BDD for node.js. It allows combination with various JS testing frameworks. Chai makes BDD styles readable, and it makes language expressive. TDD also makes the style feel classic. Developers can make custom plugins, and they can share plugins with the community. It has inbuilt plugins for testing too.


Webpack has a broad range of uses in node.js development. It can combine and help assets in a fast and easy way. It makes it easy to deploy apps and the development process is easy. Webpack is also used for creating JS pages to integrate with the browser. The significant benefit of the webpack is that it minimizes the overall loading time.


Keystone is an open-source CMS. It is built on MongoDB and Express. Keystone is best for crafting database-driven APIs and frameworks, and It auto-generates UI for an accessible handling web app.

It also has a robust CMS (content management system). Some of the significant benefits and features are:

  • Async programming is easy with Keystone
  • Coders can quickly manage sessions, can do encryption and authentications for managing passwords
  • Keystone helps to create emails based on templates
  • It has a robust User interface for CMS
  • With keystone.js, it’s easy to manage routers, views, and templates

Walmart lab developed and launched For Applications of node.js and react.js, is the universal platform. It has a standardized structure and implementation of the best technologies and has ‘’electrify’’ and ‘’electrode explorer.‘’ allows developers to explore documents and elements. They can also visualize the module tree of minimally.

It also supports the reusability of components that saves time. deploys web apps to clouds and gives high performance.


Sinon.js is also a separate JavaScript testing framework. It can work with any other testing framework, and it supports spies, stubs, and mocks.

Sinon.js offers support for cross-browser, and it can run on a server using node.js. According to reports from major companies, sinon.js is a classy library.


Broccoli is a consistent and fast asset. It is based on the ES6 module. Because of quick assets, it supports fast building definitions and time-constant rebuilds.

Broccoli stores its build specs in its root folder of the project. Some of the benefits are:

  • It offers a command line interface
  • Easy to use
  • Offers fast asset for build management


Babel is a JavaScript compiler. It allows developers to compile ECMAscript6 to ECMAScript 5 with easy steps. Those scripts can make it easy for developers to read. It can be connected with other JS tools like Webpack or ESLint. With this tool, developers have to write less code because it helps to transform the syntax. Babel supports maps so it can make an easy way for developers to debug codes. Babel doesn’t have any ready-to-use plugins, so programmers have to develop it from scratch.

WebStorm IDE

WebStorm IDE is a lightweight development environment, and it is perfect for JavaScript. It allows all possible tasks for developers to create node.js applications. Webstore IDE is an excellent choice for using it for JavaScript, HTML, CSS development and can be used for debugging and unit testing. Internal tool ‘’SPY-JS” can do debugging and tracking’’ WebStorm IDE can easily integrate with mocha.js and karma.


For rapid prototyping of JavaScript-based apps, the meteor framework is used. Meteor also supports cross-platform codes. Meteor is based on Node.js and connected with MongoDB. It can be used with various JS user interfaces and widget libraries, and it is believed to improve productivity and reduce coding load.

Meteor can shrink code from 1200 lines to 20 lines. So, it saves time, and no need to write long codes. A meteor is an excellent tool for prototyping but not for maintaining completed apps.

See Also — Top 8 Benefits of Using Node.js For Real-Time App Development


Node.js development tools are helpful to improve coding for programmers. After reading the above top 15 tools and frameworks, you can now speed up your development and empower your business with Node.js tools. If you want to develop an app or you are stuck somewhere, you can Hire Nodejs developer. We at Latitude Technolabs, quality-oriented developers who provide the best web application development services.



Latitude Technolabs

Latitude Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. is a leading service provider with extensive experience in providing IT outsourcing services to enterprises across the globe.